Refund Policy

To retain our services, a potential client must enter into a mutually acceptable flat fee agreement. The flat fee agreement becomes the complete understanding regarding payment of legal fees and expenses, including refunds.

In the event a client retains the Law Offices of Erika N. Salter, P.C. and subsequently decides to stop/end the case prior to the completion of the case being completed, a refund of unearned attorney fees and costs shall be provided.  

Time expended by attorneys for additional consultation and any subsequent work performed, including, but not limited to document preparation, telephone calls, court appearances, depositions, jail visits, motion/hearing/preparation, research, travel to court, time expended to close the case at client’s request, etc. shall be billed at the hourly rate specified in the contract.   

Time expended by Paralegals and other employees after the initial consultation and any other subsequent work performed, including, but not limited to document preparation, telephone calls, file maintenance, meeting with clients, time expended to close the case at the client’s request, etc. shall be billed at the hourly rate specified in the retainer.

If a payment is made in error or for an incorrect amount, please contact the Law Offices of Erika N. Salter, P.C. immediately for a refund and/or correction.  These requests will be handled 48 hours of receipt of payment. 

Requests for refunds must be made in written form and given to our Dallas Office.  If a refund is determined, it shall be made by check payable to the client or client’s designee. Refunds will be mailed to the client within 30 days of the written request or may be picked up in the Dallas Office with a valid id.